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Erion Packaging

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Erion Packaging is the Compliance Scheme of the Erion System, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and dedicated to the management of Packaging Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Batteries.

An ambitious project that stems from the vision of Erion the largest Extended Producer Responsibility italian Syste.

With Erion Packaging, Producers fully meet the obligations arising from their Extended Responsibility thanks to a high-level partner committed to the improvement of the Packaging chain in terms of quality and efficiency, developing eco-innovation of products and making a real transition towards the circular economy.


We will go a long way together

Erion Packaging is part of Erion, a multi-compliance non-profit System for the management of different types of waste: from electronic products to batteries, from packaging to tobacco products and textiles products, with a solid heritage in terms of authoritativeness, efficiency and quality.

An innovative entity capable of seizing market opportunities by interconnecting the various actors in the chain and ensuring the highest standards of treatment, transparency, safety and operational efficiency in full compliance with environmental regulations, creating value for the benefit of stakeholders, society and the environment.

Compliance Scheme

Six Producer Responsibility Organizations, a single System

To guarantee our Members a unique and excellent service for the management of six types of waste: Household WEEE, Professional WEEE, Waste Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco Products Waste and Textile Waste.


National Collective Scheme dedicated to the management of Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.


For Producers who place Professional Electrical and Electronic Equipment on the market.


Ensures Producers associated to the Collective Scheme the regulatory compliance relating to Waste Batteries.


Comprehensive service for compliance with the requirements of national packaging regulations.


The first national Collective Scheme dedicated to prevent the littering of tobacco products waste.


The Collective Scheme of Textile Producers. To accompany companies in the sector towards sustainable and circular fashion.


Erion Packaging supports and guarantees – in the interest and on behalf of its Members – the implementation of all the legal requirements for the proper management of Packaging Waste related to EEE and Batteries in compliance with the rules set forth in Legislative Decree 152/2006.

What do we do

Erion Packaging is the national non-profit Compliance Scheme dedicated to Producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Batteries, for the management of Packaging Waste related to their products and for the provision of ad-hoc services from a circular economy perspective.

Each Erion Packaging service has been designed according to the strictest environmental standards.

What is Packaging Waste?

Packaging refers to everything used to protect, transport and store large and small products, which when no longer used becomes waste and should be properly managed.

Erion Packaging is the Compliance Scheme of the Erion System dedicated to the management of this waste.

Doubts or questions about Packaging Waste?
See our FAQ


Conformity and certifications

Erion Packaging Producers place great importance on environmental protection. For this reason, the high quality standards of the services provided, the careful use of appropriate safety procedures, the strategic investments in research and development and the constant commitment to the issues of environmental and economic sustainability represent the strengths of the Compliance Scheme.

Erion Packaging can also count on the strategic skills of Interzero Italy, the company which over the years has become a point of reference in the recycling industry for its ability to select and coordinate, throughout the national territory, operators and treatment plants of the highest standard.


Erion Packaging. Italian excellence, international vision.

The Producer Responsibility Organization’s objective is the promotion of efficient and effective “Extended Producer Responsibility” models both within the national borders and within the EU as a whole. Thanks to its non-profit nature and innovative vision, Erion Packaging can enjoy a privileged position and exclusive relationships with different entities such as institutions, research centres and universities, associations and international organizations, promoting a fruitful dialogue on the most relevant issues for the packaging management system.