A concrete commitment to the circular economy.
Erion Packaging was the promoter, together with the online magazine EconomiaCircolare.com, of “Ecodesign the Future: Packaging edition”, the advanced training course aimed at the practice and culture of eco-design from a circular economy perspective.
Erion Packaging has drawn up the Sectoral Guidelines for the environmental labelling of Packaging of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE). The document provides in the first part a general overview of the new obligation and, in the second part, insights of specific interest to the EEE Producers sector, as well as practical examples of possible solutions.
Erion Packaging – Non-profit Producer Responsibility Organisation for the management of Packaging Waste – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 11335530967